As Seen In

Free 45Min Disclosure Workshop
Watch this exclusive All About Disclosure workshop, and learn everything you need to know in order to disclose successfully!

The Managing Herpes Toolkit
Whether you were recently diagnosed or you’ve lived with herpes for years, this toolkit contains the information you need to feel empowered about managing your diagnosis.
By offering a variety of effective ways to manage herpes symptoms, you will be able to create the customized solution that is right for you, your lifestyle, and your partnership goals.

Free 1HR Masterclass Accelerator
Take your power back and regain your confidence when you overcome your fear, ditch your shame, and become entirely unaffected by STI stigma!

Personal Consultation
If you have a personal situation you’d like help with – questions about transmission and risk, management and treatment options, relationships and disclosure, etc. that are specific to your unique circumstance.
Each consultation includes a strictly confidential 1hr audio/video meeting and one email follow-up.

Private Support Group
If you feel overwhelmed about having herpes, or simply, you’re stuck wrestling with the immense stigma that comes with a herpes diagnosis, then you’re in the right place!
This group will give you the tools to create lifelong transformation through clarity, connection, and commitment!

See What Others Are Saying
I just wanted to take the time to thank you for everything you have done. It really was the catalyst that I needed to start to talk to my close friends and family about this and, in turn, a lot of the stress has vanished.
For the first time in a really long time, I feel like I’m getting better physically, and especially mentally, and what you have done here is a huge part of that.
I hope you know that you change lives for the better.

Thank you so much for this. I deeply appreciate the non-judgmental and supportive space. It’s a process of peeling the onion, which I’m super committed to. I am looking forward to moving along this path of breaking my own internalized stigma and maybe even helping others with it one day, even if that’s through just one-on-one conversations.

I just wanted to say how thankful I am for having someone like you give a voice to those of us with STIs… Because of you, I was able to look at my diagnosis in a different light. I’m not HSV1, I’m a living breathing soul who just happens to have HSV1. Thank you for reminding me not to define myself by this <3

I love your website and your posts and your confidence! It’s always really hard for me to find people that have herpes that are super confident and can talk genuinely about it. I was diagnosed at 18 and had to go through the entire journey to accept myself for it and understand that it doesn’t make me any less of a person. Thank you for being such a powerful influence in that journey.