If you’re like me, you’d like to avoid additional STIs. If you’re not like me (I already have genital herpes, have had scabies and vaginitis – read about my story), you’d like to avoid STIs all together! If you’re not like either of those examples, maybe you’d like to prevent transmission of an infection or […]
Sexual Activities That Put You At Risk for STIs/STDs
Think you may have contracted or transmitted a sexually transmitted infection or disease? Worried about the weekend you just had and what you did over the course of too many beverages or while finally getting some alone time with a new hottie? Here are the things you could be at risk of contracting or transmitting […]
Observations and Anecdotes from an STI/STD Testing Counselor
This guest post was written by Elissa White, an STI/STD testing counselor at getSTDtested.com. As an STI/STD testing counselor at getSTDtested.com, some might argue it’s a profession worthy of an episode of Discovery Channel’s ‘Dirty Jobs’. Being an STI/STD testing counselor is certainly not for the faint of heart, whether I’m serving as a shoulder to cry on or I’m […]
STI/STD List for People with Vulvas/Vaginas – Common STDs in Women*
Below you’ll find an STI/STD list of STIs/STDs commonly found in women* and those less common in women based on percentage of cases each year, type of infection, and location of infection, as well as how the infection is transmitted. You can also see the full STI/STD List in alphabetical order with links to detailed symptoms, […]
STI/STD List for People with Penises – Common STDs in Men*
Below you’ll find an STI/STD list of STIs/STDs commonly found in men* and those less common in men based on percentage of cases each year, type of infection and location of infection, as well as how the infection is transmitted. You can also see the full STI/STD List in alphabetical order with links to detailed symptoms, test, […]
Chlamydia – An STI/STD Often Undetected
Chlamydia’s one of the most common sexually transmitted bacterial infections in the world, with as many as 3 million new cases every year in the United States alone, but it often goes undetected and undiagnosed! As many as 1 in 4 people with penises have no symptoms and only about 30% of people with vulvas/vaginas […]
6 Things I Wish They Would Have Taught Me In Sex-Ed About STIs/STDs
#1 – Um, having sex can lead to STIs/STDs! This may seem ridiculous, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember STIs/STDs being a part of sex-ed at all – maybe that was my problem to begin with – baha! I don’t know. I was either too excited to be talking about sex […]
STI/STD Stigma – The New Scarlet Letter
Adultry, Sodomy, Promiscuity Go for it – as long as you don’t catch an STI/STD. The rules surrounding sexual activity have become so brazenly ambiguous these days – that is, until you catch an STI/STD. At which point, you are a sinner, dirty, damaged-goods and you will, hence forth, pay for your bad behavior – […]