Particularly refreshing is this reader’s ability to, after just a month’s time, decide she’s not going to let her herpes diagnosis bring her down. Instead, she’s already choosing to focus on the positive aspects her diagnosis has elicited, which include, but are not limited to, improved health, and a renewed appreciation for the little things. […]
Herpes: If So Many People Have It, Why Is Everyone Afraid? Part 2
If genital herpes is usually so minor, should we even test for it? This is a debate that I often have with my colleagues. The medical community does not agree on the answer to this question. If someone has a painful genital sore, we all agree that testing is appropriate. It also makes sense if […]
Herpes: If So Many People Have It, Why Is Everyone Afraid? Part 1
Let’s talk about Susan. She is a 38 year old professional female – single, dating, fit, goes out a lot with friends on the weekend. Susan is a hard-working, terrific woman who seems to have mapped out a great life for herself. Susan is also what I would consider a ‘serial monogamist.’ She dates a […]
HSV2 – This is My Life Now – STI Interviews
This interview came in as an anonymous submission via the contact form after the interviewee found The STI Project’s website and also happened upon an article we wrote for Take Part, which, was syndicated by Yahoo News. As we spent the first part of this year working on external outreach, it’s delightful to hear our efforts were […]
I Have HSV2! *does golf clap*
Stop the presses, people; I have herpes – genital herpes – and more specifically, I have the herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2)! Enthusiasm and exclamation marks intended. No, but, really, I’ve actually known I’ve had herpes for years and years (14, as of the date of this post)…. So, why this post in the […]
What Stigma & Living with an STD Took From Me
Full disclosure: The title of this post should probably read, ‘What I allowed stigma to take from me while living with an STI/STD,’ but something about that seems a bit less poignant. So, humor me, for a moment, as I embrace the mellow-dramatic today. 🙂 Anyhow. I was sitting on the couch a couple of weeks […]
Chlamydia and Herpes Simplex Type 2 – HSV2 – STI Interviews
This interview came in as an anonymous submission via the contact form, and from there the author and I exchanged a few emails. She said, ‘Writing about my situation really makes me feel a lot better.’ Consequently, she’ll be posting a follow-up to this interview (which I’ll link through to once she does) in short […]
Once You Have an STD You Can’t Get it Again – So False
It’s STD Awareness Month! Today’s myth: ‘Once you have an STD, you can’t get it again’ and why that’s so false! We’re implementing The STI Project’s month-long myth busting series: So True, So False! Yeah, we think we’re as cool as E! Promoting awareness, education, and acceptance doesn’t always have to be super-serious. Really, though, these myths […]