Last Updated on July 29, 2021 by Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT
How do you get Mycoplasma Genitalium/How can you get Mycoplasma? Causes:
Mycoplasma genitalium (mycoplasma) has recently been identified as a sexual transmitted infection and is a bacteria that infects the mucous membranes of the urethra,cervix, throat and anus.
Mycoplasma is transmitted by vaginal, anal and oral sex.

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How to tell if you have it? Mycoplasma Genitalium Symptoms:
In most cases of mycoplasma, there are no symptoms. However, for people with vulvas/vaginas who have symptoms, they may include:
- Burning or painful sensation during urination
- Vaginal itching
- Pain during sex
For people with penises, mycoplasma is often diagnosed in those who suffer from Nongonococcal Urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) which is not caused by gonorrhea. Symptoms (if they are present) may include:
- Urethral discharge
- Burning or painful sensation during urination
- Arthritis (pain and swelling in the joints)
How to know if you have it? Mycoplasma Tests:
Mycoplasma genitalium is tested by taking a urine sample or a urethral swab (a sample of secretions) or a cervical swab of the secretions is taken.
Relief spells (Rolaids?!) Mycoplasma Genitalium Treatment:
Mycoplasma genitalium is treated with antibiotics. Because Mycoplasma grows very slowly a prolonged course of therapy may be required to eradicate it.
What’s going to happen to me?!!?! Mycoplasma Genitalium Expectations:
A test is needed one month after treatment to make sure that the antibiotics worked. Very occasionally, a second course of antibiotics is required.
Things to be aware of… Mycoplasma Complications:
Mycoplasma has been associated with pelvic inflammatory disease. It has also been linked to endometritis (infection of the uterine lining) and preterm birth.
As such, the long term consequences of infection with mycoplasma seem to be similar to those of infection with gonorrhea and chlamydia.
- Detailed Mycoplasma Symptoms
- STI Interviews
- STD Hotlines
- Mycoplasma Genitalium Blog
- How to Not Give an Eff about Having an STI
- Symptoms
- Lis, Rebecca, Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, and Lisa E. Manhart. “Mycoplasma genitalium infection and female reproductive tract disease: a meta-analysis.” Clinical Infectious Diseases 61.3 (2015): 418-426.
- Horner, Patrick J., and David H. Martin. “Mycoplasma genitalium infection in men.” The Journal of infectious diseases 216.suppl_2 (2017): S396-S405.
- Slifirski, Josephine B., et al. “Mycoplasma genitalium infection in adults reporting sexual contact with infected partners, Australia, 2008–2016.” Emerging infectious diseases 23.11 (2017): 1826.
- Ona, Samsiya, Rose L. Molina, and Khady Diouf. “Mycoplasma genitalium: an overlooked sexually transmitted pathogen in women?.” Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology 2016 (2016).
- Ison, Catherine A., et al. “Highlighting the clinical need for diagnosing Mycoplasma genitalium infection.” International journal of STD & AIDS 29.7 (2018): 680-686.
- Testing
- Björnelius, Eva, Charlotta Magnusson, and Jørgen Skov Jensen. “Mycoplasma genitalium macrolide resistance in Stockholm, Sweden.” Sex Transm Infect 93.3 (2017): 167-168.
- Unemo, Magnus, and Jorgen S. Jensen. “Antimicrobial-resistant sexually transmitted infections: gonorrhoea and Mycoplasma genitalium.” Nature Reviews Urology 14.3 (2017): 139.
- Jensen, Jørgen Skov, and Catriona Bradshaw. “Management of Mycoplasma genitalium infections–can we hit a moving target?.” BMC infectious diseases 15.1 (2015): 343.
- Romano, Sarah S., et al. “Long Duration of Asymptomatic Mycoplasma genitalium Infection After Syndromic Treatment for Nongonococcal Urethritis.” Clinical Infectious Diseases (2018).
- Getman, Damon, et al. “Mycoplasma genitalium prevalence, coinfection, and macrolide antibiotic resistance frequency in a multicenter clinical study cohort in the United States.” Journal of clinical microbiology 54.9 (2016): 2278-2283.
- Treatment
- Bradshaw, Catriona S., Jorgen S. Jensen, and Ken B. Waites. “New horizons in Mycoplasma genitalium treatment.” The Journal of infectious diseases 216.suppl_2 (2017): S412-S419.
- Read, Tim RH, et al. “Outcomes of resistance-guided sequential treatment of Mycoplasma genitalium infections: a prospective evaluation.” Clinical Infectious Diseases 68.4 (2018): 554-560.
- Gesink, Dionne, et al. “Mycoplasma genitalium in Toronto, Ont: estimates of prevalence and macrolide resistance.” Canadian Family Physician 62.2 (2016): e96-e101.
- Gaydos, Charlotte A. “Mycoplasma genitalium: accurate diagnosis is necessary for adequate treatment.” The Journal of infectious diseases 216.suppl_2 (2017): S406-S411.
- Guschin, Alexander, et al. “Treatment efficacy, treatment failures and selection of macrolide resistance in patients with high load of Mycoplasma genitalium during treatment of male urethritis with josamycin.” BMC infectious diseases 15.1 (2015): 40.
- Prevention
- Golden, Matthew R., Kimberly A. Workowski, and Gail Bolan. “Developing a public health response to Mycoplasma genitalium.” The Journal of infectious diseases 216.suppl_2 (2017): S420-S426.
- Balkus, J. E., et al. “3: Detection of macrolide resistance-mediating mutations among women with mycoplasma genitalium infection in the preventing vaginal infections trial.” American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 215.6 (2016): S828.
- Workowski, Kimberly A. “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sexually transmitted diseases treatment guidelines.” Clinical Infectious Diseases 61.suppl_8 (2015): S759-S762.
- Read, Tim RH, et al. “Use of pristinamycin for macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma genitalium infection.” Emerging infectious diseases 24.2 (2018): 328.
- Dirks, J. A. M. C., et al. “P3. 100 High mycoplasma genitalium prevalence in chlamydia trachomatis positive patients.” (2017): A130-A130.
- Transmission
- Unemo, Magnus, and Jorgen S. Jensen. “Antimicrobial-resistant sexually transmitted infections: gonorrhoea and Mycoplasma genitalium.” Nature Reviews Urology 14.3 (2017): 139.
- Jensen, Jørgen Skov, et al. “2016 European guideline on Mycoplasma genitalium infections.” Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 30.10 (2016): 1650-1656.
- Lillis, Rebecca A., David H. Martin, and M. Jacques Nsuami. “Mycoplasma genitalium Infections in Women Attending a Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic in New Orleans.” Clinical Infectious Diseases (2018).
- Pereyre, Sabine, et al. “Mycoplasma genitalium and Trichomonas vaginalis in France: a point prevalence study in people screened for sexually transmitted diseases.” Clinical Microbiology and Infection 23.2 (2017): 122-e1.
- Edouard, Sophie, et al. “Mycoplasma genitalium, an agent of reemerging sexually transmitted infections.” Apmis 125.10 (2017): 916-920.
curious george
to whom it may concern,
i was curious. i am male and i was diagnosed with gonnorhea around may. i was tested and treated for about a month.
now. it is august, i am clean and i have been tested to show for it. the problem is that my girlfriend has been diagnosed with gonnorhea and mycroplasma genitalium in the month of august.
is this possible, if the girl has been faithful? how long does it take gonnerhea and mycroplasma genitalium to develope???
my doctor has said to me that i didnt infect my girl and probably she elsewhere…
her doctor has said, i infected her.
please let me know
Jenelle Marie
Dear Curious George 🙂
This is a great question and one I hear quite often, actually. There are a couple questions you have to ask to pinpoint where her infection came from….and even then, it may be hard to know for certain.
Mycoplasma acts similarly to gonorrhea in that although most women infected will remain asymptomatic (without symptoms); women who do develop noticeable symptoms usually do so within 14 days of infection. Has she had any symptoms or did she get tested on a recent visit to her gynecologist for the sake of being tested and because you had it previously? Since you had it in May, it’s VERY likely she got it from you and has had it since then – a lot of people never know they have an STD and only find out upon testing because they are asymptomatic.
That is, of course, if you’ve been together that long and if she was not also treated when you were – with most STDs, both partners need to be treated else they run the risk of passing an infection back and forth. To be safe, I would get re-tested in another month to be certain you have not been re-infected as well. If you weren’t together back in May or if she was treated then as well, it’s more likely it came from somewhere else, because the infection would have already cleared up with the antibiotics prescribed.
Does this help you get to the bottom of things? Feel free to ask follow-up questions if you’re still unsure, of course. 🙂
Curious george
Hi again,
Thanks for the comment but I am sorry to say. I have never ha been diagnosed with mycroplasma nor test positive for it now
How can this be? How can I give it to my partner if I have never had it? Or did she get it elsewhere. Please comment
Jenelle Marie
Hi there –
Well, if you are certain you weren’t tested for mycoplasma (most clinics and offices don’t test for it as it has just recently been identified as an STD, tests for mycoplasma specifically aren’t widely available), then that would likely have come from somewhere else. But remember, mycoplasma genitalium is generally not tested for and the antibiotics prescribed for gonorrhea can clear a mycoplasma infection. So, I would be 100% certain which STDs you were tested for back in May before jumping to conclusions, of course (you can call or go back to the place you were originally diagnosed to clarify which tests were done in May – that’s you best bet to know for sure about the mycoplasma)…
Hi, Janelle
I have a.question. I tested positive with MG. I was treated first and a few weeks later so was my partner. During his treatment we had protected sex. (W/condoms). Is it okay to say I’m in the clear still? Or can I still contract it with condoms?
Jenelle Marie
Hi Dee –
The only way to know for sure would be to get re-tested. Condoms are really effective at preventing bacterial infections, such as MG, however, that you were not treated at the same and that you did not abstain from sexual activities until you had both completed treatment puts you at risk of re-infection.
Thanks for your question!
Curious george
Thank you
Yes, I was only diagnosed for gonnerhea back in May. Tested and treated within June. Tested negative for any STD in June.
And now, I still test negative. But my girl has gonnerhea and mycroplasma gennitalia.
Honestly I am confused and I don’t know if it’s me or her
Thank you
Curious george
Hi again,
Thanks for the comment but I am sorry to say. I have never ha been diagnosed with mycroplasma nor test positive for it now
How can this be? How can I give it to my partner if I have never had it? Or did she get it elsewhere. Please comment
Thank you
Jenelle Marie
Most people who have mycoplasma are never diagnosed with it because there are very few tests available to test for it. So, I’m not surprised to hear you say that you weren’t diagnosed with mycoplasma in May – odds are, you weren’t tested for it and the antibiotics would have cleared it up for you even if you did have it. 🙂 You’ll need to call the clinic you were tested at to see which STDs you’ve been tested for specifically before you will know for sure. Most clinics only test for 2-4 of some of the most common STDs (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and HIV); they don’t test for the 20 or so additional STDs you could have contracted (mycoplasma being one of them).
So, in short, the only way you can know for sure if you passed it along to her is if you rule out that you were for sure tested for mycoplasma – you’ll only know this for sure by checking with your provider.
Lastly, remember, people carry STDs for long periods of time without ever being diagnosed or experiencing symptoms. If you find you have been tested for mycoplasma, it is also possible she’s had it for a long time – this is especially true if you two use protection – and you haven’t contracted it…. Just another factor to consider. This is why it’s so hard to pinpoint where it came from.
Needless to say, I think the first thing I would do is find out which actual tests you were tested for. 🙂
Jenelle Marie
I know, this is all so confusing and very frustrating. So, maybe I can help by breaking it down into steps! 🙂
Step 1: Call your provider – find out which specific STD tests were given to you in May and during your most recent test. It’s very very unlikely you were tested for mycoplasma – I’m even surprised she was!!
**This should be the very first thing you do!**
Your provider can also help you determine whether you should undergo treatment with your girlfriend (even though you recently tested clear for gonorrhea, you could have gotten it again, you could pass mycoplasma back and forth, or your most recent test may have been too soon to tell). Usually doctors prescribe both partners antibiotics.
Step 2: Talk to your girlfriend
When was the last time she was tested before being diagnosed with mycoplasma and gonorrhea?
Did she take treatment while you had gonorrhea months ago?
Did you both get tested/re-tested together? Should you both go in for a full panel together?
Do you two use protection regularly? Should you? Only you two can decide this together.
Step 3: Get tested again in a month’s time (both parties)
Know this: Women are more susceptible to all STDs because of their physiology. It is possible she had mycoplasma before you got together and you have not yet caught it. It’s possible she contracted it while dating you. It’s possible she’s had gonorrhea since you were diagnosed with it. It’s possible you gave her both and were never actually tested for mycoplasma (this is a VERY VERY common misconception, mind you). 🙂 When people get tested for STDs, they think an ‘all clear’ means they are free of all STDs. Not all STDs can be tested for and most STDs are not tested for regularly. Therefor, an all clear is only an all clear for the STDs specifically tested for on that day.
Curious george
Hello again
Thank you for the prompt reply. I went to my doctor again and I got a urine test. It came out clean and the doctor said I have nothing. But to make sure, he told me to come back for another urine, sperm and prostate test next week to make sure I am alright. He also mentioned I was tested for gonnerhea and mycroplasma in the month of Feb, May, June and August. And I will get tested in September.
Even though I was positive for gonnerhea in May. My doctor said, I’m fully treated and I tested for mycroplasma and I never had it.
He also said, my girlfriend probably got it little before May or between May and August. He also said, mycroplasma is a sexual transmitted disease an inorder for to have, she got it from someone except me. He also mention, there is a chance she may have given me gonnerhea. but for certain, I didn’t give her mycroplasma since I was tested in Feb, May, June and in August.
So is it true, my girlfriend got mycroplasma elsewhere but uncertain about gonnerhea.
Please let me know your thoughts and sorry for the many questions
Jenelle Marie
Hi ‘George’!
Yup, that all makes sense to me. No apologies necessary, this is what I’m hear for – to help answer the many questions that accompany STDs. 🙂 I’m glad to hear you’re being tested again next month as well – only because sometimes it take a little while for things to show and if you’ve been sexually active with her recently, you could have been re-infected with gonorrhea and infected with mycoplasma for the first time. Can’t hurt to know for sure in another month. But, it sounds like things are looking good for you.
You’ve got some things to think about regarding your girlfriend which are going to be hard to deal with, I know… It’s possible she contracted gonorrhea and mycoplasma before you were together (of course, I’m not sure how long your exclusive relationship has been), and it’s also possible she contracted it while you were together and then gave you gonorrhea. All of those things are certainly a possibility. I suppose, you have to look at what you two had established – were you exclusive, had you been together long before May, do you think you can trust one another now, etc.? Tough questions, I know. 🙂
On the bright side, you got a kind of crash course in STDs and I can bet this will change your perspective a bit should you decide to date someone new or meet someone who has an STD! LOL – not that you were hoping for that kind of outlook, of course! 🙂
Curious george
Hi Jenelle
I have bad news. After three testing, I’m tested positive for mycroplasma genitalia but negative for gonnerhea. I have no idea how this may have happen but can i acquire only one disease and not the other?
Also, how long does it take for a male to acquire mycroplasma and how can I have acquired it?
My doctor said, it is treatable but I am afraid and worried about my future and if I can ever trust or love my girlfriend? Please send me some advice so I can get my life back together?
By the way, I had gonnerhea in May an fully treated in June. Can I have gotten gonnerhea first and then mycroplasma a month later? Or vice versa?
Hear from you soon
Jenelle Marie
Hi curious george –
You can acquire one and not the other and you could have contracted gonorrhea first and then mycoplasma second – all of that is very likely.
Mycoplasma is completely curable with treatment – you and your girlfriend will both need to be treated and then re-tested in a month to make sure the infection has cleared.
Please read through my previous responses in detail as I believe I’ve already answered your other questions and provided some outlook for the two of you there, however, I’m happy to answer any questions which I have not previously addressed, of course! 🙂
Janelle- Standard US Std tests and bacterial tests have come back clear for me (female) and BF. I have painful intercourse, and (pre-antibiotics) had itch and odor only, AB’s elimiated that but it seems the itch is returning. he has urethra pain, groin pain, and now kidney pain. I am wondering if MG is a possibility, but my doctor refused to test for it… What tests can be performed and where/ how can they be obtained? Any info regarding prevalence would also be greatly appreciated as most doctors act like MG is totally rare unless you are immunosuppressed.
Jenelle Marie
Hi Rmari –
Well, if you’ve taken antibiotics, the issue is likely not mycoplasma then… The reason they don’t test for mycoplasma in the US is not because it’s rare, but rather, because most people get mycoplasma along with either gonorrhea or chlamydia, so when they test positive and take antibiotics, the mycoplasma clears as well. The only trouble with that approach is when someone only has mycoplasma. But since you’ve taken antibiotics, I’d guess that’s not the issue.
There are a number of things you could be dealing with – anything from recurrent yeast infections to vulvodynia… Maybe a combination of a couple of things. Anyhow, keep in mind – there’s really no such thing as a ‘standard’ STD test – every clinic tests for different things. You could be experiencing different things as well as passing some of the same ailments back and forth – especially if you have not both taken the same prescription you were given. By just your description alone, it’s hard to point you in the right direction – I know that must be frustrating to hear.
What I’d suggest is gathering a list of the things you tested negative for specifically along with the prescription(s) you’ve taken, and then seeking a second and/or a third opinion. Not all doctors are well versed in STDs, in general, and if you’re not getting the answers and care you’d expect, it’s definitely worth your while to consult someone else. I would try (if you haven’t already) either someone from a clinic like Planned Parenthood where they deal with this kind of thing regularly or an OB/GYN (if you have insurance). You’re your own best advocate, so don’t be at all shy about choosing to see other practitioners until you get the type of attention you need.
Hi jenelle,
I have been living with my gf for 6 months.
When we first got together she was tested for std’s and came out clear.
Now 6 months later we been tested and I have clyamidihah and she has gonereeah
we are both very sexually active and each have had multiple partners, but how is it we each have different std’s?
Jenelle Marie
Hi Alex –
Great question!
You could have different infections for a number of reasons. It’s possible you both had infections before becoming sexually active with one another – despite her negative tests. It’s also likely you could have gonorrhea and she could have chlamydia too, as false negatives are common depending upon when the infection was transmitted, what types of testing were used, and when you were both tested in relation to the infection’s inception.
The same idea, then, holds true why she may have tested negative when you first got together or vice-a-versa. This is why they suggest partners get tested together before engaging in sexual activities, use barriers consistently and correctly for another 3 months, and then get tested again.
Thanks so much for your question!
My partner (female – 1) tested positive for both Mycoplasma genitalium and Ureaplasma Urealyticum in September 2010. My partner was taking the contraceptive called yasmin and we had sex without a condom for a few days before she experienced pain in the vagina. I (male) tested negative for both of these infections in October 2010. Our relationship broke up after that and I had a brief relationship with another woman in 2011, we had oral sex and intercourse using a condom. I have in July 2013 re-started a sexual relationship with female -1 (my wife to be in August 2013), who was now tested negative for these 2 infections. I went to my doctor, but I did not tell him that I tested negative for the 2 infections in 2010 and he prescribed “normon doxycycline 100 mg 42 grageas”, to be taken 2 daily for 15 days. My fiancée did not have a sexual relationship with anyone during the break in our relationship. My fiancée is insisting that I undertake a 2nd test for both Mycoplasma genitalium and Ureaplasma Urealyticum, before we have sexual intercourse without a condom or before we have oral sex.
1) Why did my partner test positive and I was test negative for Mycoplasma genitalium and Ureaplasma Urealyticum in 2010 ?
2) Should I now undertake a second test for these 2 STD’s?
3) Should I take the antibiotic Doxycycline?
Many thanks,
Jenelle Marie
Hi Patrick –
Great questions, and thank you, kindly, for the background, as that often helps to answer them!
1.) You tested negative for one of two reasons – either you had a false negative or you just had not contracted the infections from partner 1 – men are less susceptible to STIs and STDs, in general, because of your physiology; so, that you tested negative is not entirely surprising given the short amount of time you engaged in activities without a barrier. Both of the infections you mention are bacterial and are spread via genital fluids – barriers do a fantastic job of minimizing the risk of bacterial infections (the same is not true, though, for other types of infections, of course).
2.) It’s probably wise for both of you to take a full STD panel, actually. That female 1 was not sexually active with anyone else means she would not have contracted any new infections, yes; however, all infections can remain dormant or asymptomatic for sometimes years – and all tests can result in false negatives. So, since she’d like you to retest, which is wise being that you have had another partner, you both might as well make it a date, get tested together, go to a movie or dinner after, and know you’re going in to your renewed relationship clear of conscience.
3.) Because I’m not a medical professional, I can’t tell you if you should or should not take something which was prescribed by one. However, personally, if you’re worried about mucking up the full panel test or taking something that’s unnecessary, then, by all means, seek a second opinion before taking the antibiotic. It’s not unusual at all for one to seek the advice and testing of another clinic or practitioner, because these things are important and your health, coupled with the implications it can have on your relationship is definitely important.
Hope this helps, and thanks so much for your questions!