Last Updated on July 29, 2021 by Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT
Pictures of STIs/STDs
When looking for pictures of STIs/STDs on google or any other search engine, you’re bound to come across incredibly graphic, disgusting, and down right scary pictures of STDs.
While these pictures are sometimes real depictions of specific STIs/STDs, they are often the very worst case scenarios and can be meant to scare people into abstinence.
This serves absolutely no purpose when you think you might have something and would like to compare your physical symptoms to more realistic photos of first occurrences of STIs/STDs in people who are not immunocompromised (a lot of the gruesome pictures of STDs you come across are from people who have additional medical conditions, and, as a result, have much worse STD symptoms).

STI Masterclass: Breaking Through the Fear, Shame, and Stigma of an STI Diagnosis
If you’re fed up with feeling unworthy, less-than, damaged, or limited by your STI, then join the next cohort in the 60-Day Masterclass, and leave feeling empowered, knowledgable, and confident again!
Click Here to Learn More
So, The STI Project has scoured the web yet again and has found the most reputable resources for chancroid pictures. These images of chancroid come from dermatologist’s websites or other similarly authoritative locations, include multiple chancroid symptom severities, and also incorporate different skin types, symptom locations, and stages of chancroid.
While The STI Project STRONGLY encourages getting tested and discourages diagnosing or treating oneself via pictures alone (chancroid pictures disclaimer), we realize the desire to compare one’s own symptoms with those of others in hopes of narrowing the possibilities. Maybe all of this is new to you; that’s ok – it’s not always easy to know if you should get STD testing done.
Remember, the most common STI/STD symptom is NO symptom at all; so, if you find your symptoms do not match any of the chancroid images below, this does NOT mean you are STI negative and you should be tested as soon as possible to avoid complications of untreated STDs.
Furthermore, if you’ve engaged in ANY partnered sexual activity, you are at risk of contracting or transmitting an STI/STD (see this list of sexual activities that put you at risk for contracting an STD).
Without further ado, happy photo hunting! 😉
Pictures of Chancroid
Think you might have an STD?
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- How to Not Give an Eff about Having an STI
- STD? What Now? Your Ultimate Reference Guide
- Think You Might Have an STD?
- STI/STD Symptoms
- Detailed Chancroid Symptoms
- Chancroid Overview
- Chancroid In-Depth
- Other Pictures of STIs/STDs
- List of all STIs
- Free and Low-Cost STD Testing Near You (Globally)
- Symptoms
- Pipkins, Miracle. “The Damage of Unprotected Sex: STDs, Cancer and More.” Microreviews in Cell and Molecular Biology2 (2017).
- Passos, Mauro Romero Leal. “Gonococcus and Chlamydia Infection.” Atlas of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Springer, Cham, 2018. 173-202.
- Di Paolo, Gilda. “Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Adolescence.” Good Practice in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. Springer, Cham, 2018. 211-238.
- Neilan, Anne M. “Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) in Adolescents.” The MassGeneral Hospital for Children Adolescent Medicine Handbook. Springer, Cham, 2017. 207-236.
- Shi, Songtao, Shiyu Liu, and Fa-ming Chen. “Composition of stem cells having highly expressed FAS ligand.” U.S. Patent Application No. 14/915,105.
- Testing
- Jasek, Emile, et al. “Sexually Transmitted Infections in Melbourne, Australia from 1918 to 2016: nearly a century of data.” Communicable Diseases Intelligence3 (2017): E212-E222.
- Non-Pediculosis, Gonorrhea. “Walter Belda Jr.” Dermatology in Public Health Environments: A Comprehensive Textbook (2018): 139.
- Shi, Songtao, Shiyu Liu, and Fa-Ming Chen. “Composition of stem cells having highly expressed fas ligand.” U.S. Patent Application No. 14/915,105.
- Faguet, Guy. Conquest of Cancer. Springer, 2016.
- Kamal, Khalid M., et al. “A systematic review of the effect of cancer treatment on work productivity of patients and caregivers.” Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy2 (2017): 136-162.
- Treatment
- Kamal, Khalid M., et al. “A systematic review of the effect of cancer treatment on work productivity of patients and caregivers.” Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy2 (2017): 136-162.
- Ortiz López, Pedro. “Eight decades of ICRP recommendations in medicine: A perspective.” Annals of the ICRP1_suppl (2016): 106-112.
- Stockfleth, Eggert. “Use of a polyphenol for the treatment of a cancerous or pre-cancerous lesion of the skin.” U.S. Patent No. 9,060,998. 23 Jun. 2015.
- Hanley, Anne R. “Under the Microscope.” Medicine, Knowledge and Venereal Diseases in England, 1886-1916. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2017. 107-146.
- Hauser, Jennifer E. Genetic Epidemiology of Radiation Sensitivity and Basal Cell Carcinoma in Childhood Cancer Survivors. Diss. University of Cincinnati, 2015.
- Prevention
- Iskandar, Freya Nazera, Dewi Puspitaningrum, and Lia Mulyanti. “THE CORRELATION BETWEEN ATTITUDE TOWARDS CERVICITIS PREVENTION AND SCREENING CHECKUP.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Health. No. 2. 2017.
- McKinnell, Robert Gilmore. The Understanding, Prevention and Control of Human Cancer: The Historic Work and Lives of Elizabeth Cavert Miller and James A. Miller. Brill, 2015.
- Dapaah, Jonathan Mensah, et al. “Knowledge about sexual and reproductive health services and practice of what is known among Ghanaian Youth, a mixed method approach.” (2016).
- Chemwor, Ezekiel Kiplimo, and Lazarus Momanyi. Knowledge and Knower Structures in Relation to Reproductive and Sexual Health in School Curricula of Kenya and South Africa. Diss. Nelson Mandela University, 2017.
- Kessy, Hyasinta Catharine Francis. Differential Effectiveness of Plain and Multimedia Enriched Sex Education Instructional Materials on Secondary School Student’s Performance in Tanzania. Diss. The Open University of Tanzania, 2016.
- Transmission
- Onuigbo, W. I. B. “The surgical pathology of cancer: A historical review.” J Cancer Prev Curr Res3 (2015): 00039.
- Passos, Mauro Romero Leal. “Gonococcus and Chlamydia Infection.” Atlas of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Springer, Cham, 2018. 173-202.
- Belay, Alemayehu Sayih, et al. “Assessment of magnitude of risk sexual behavior among Mizan high school and preparatory school students, South West, Ethiopia, 2016: descriptive cross-sectional study.” International Journal3 (2018): 68.
- Kraszewski, Sarah. “Sexual relationships between older people in the care home.” Nursing And Residential Care11 (2017): 626-629.
- Shewasinad, Sisay, et al. “Assessment of Communication on Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues among Mizan Secondary and Preparatory School Students with Parents, Mizan Town, Ethiopia, 2016.” American Journal of Health Research 5.5 (2017): 131.