Last Updated on July 29, 2021 by Stacy Sampson, DO
Trichomoniasis STI/STD Brief
These briefs are intended to give readers (specifically those who weren’t aware many of these STIs/STDs existed) an overview of each STI/STD, their commonality, treatment options, and diagnostic tests available.
This information is by no means all-encompassing and The STI Project encourages using these briefs as primers and then further delving into the resources section when subsequent questions arise.

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Trichomoniasis Symptoms, Test & Treatment
Common? Very common – around 8 million people contract it in the U.S. annually – the most common cause of vaginitis
Symptoms About half of all people with vulvas/vaginas experience no trichomoniasis symptoms. Sometimes, frothy/yellow-green and unpleasant discharge, itching in and around the vagina, swelling in the groin, the urge to urinate frequently, pain during intercourse or urination
Cure? Prescription medicine
Bacterial/Viral/ Fungal/Parasitic Parasitic
Test Pelvic exam or sample of discharge
Life-Long? No
Life-Threatening? No
- How to Not Give an Eff about Having an STI
- Detailed Trichomoniasis Symptoms
- STI/STD Symptoms
- Think You Might Have an STI/STD?
- Trichomoniasis In-Depth
- Looking for more information about trichomoniasis?
- Looking for STI testing centers, trichomoniasis treatment, STI hotlines, or STI blogs and forums?
- Would you like to read stories about people living with an STI/STD?
- Symptoms
- Doxtader, Erika E., and Tarik M. Elsheikh. “Diagnosis of trichomoniasis in men by urine cytology.” Cancer cytopathology 125.1 (2017): 55-59.
- Ahady, Mohammad Taghi, et al. “Prevalence of Trichomoniasis among 18–48 year-old women in northwest of Iran.” Iranian journal of parasitology 11.4 (2016): 580.
- Sobel, Jack D. “Approach to women with symptoms of vaginitis.” UpToDate. August 19 (2016).
- Graves, Keonte J., et al. “Trichomonas vaginalis virus (TVV) among women with trichomoniasis and associations with demographics, clinical outcomes, and metronidazole resistance.” Clinical Infectious Diseases (2019).
- Jamshidi, Ali. “Comparison of Three Methods of Clinical Diagnosis, Microscopic and PCR Techniques for Detection of Trichomoniasis in Women in the Yasuj City.” Science 5.1 (2016): 12-15.
- Testing
- Postenrieder, Nikki R., et al. “Rapid antigen testing for Trichomoniasis in an Emergency Department.” Pediatrics 137.6 (2016).
- Muzny, Christina A., et al. “Incidence and predictors of reinfection with trichomoniasis based on nucleic acid amplification testing results in HIV-infected patients.” International journal of STD & AIDS (2018): 0956462418807115.
- Natoli, Lisa, et al. “17 Pointofcare testing for chlamydia, gonorrhoea and trichomoniasis.” A Practical Guide to Global Point-of-Care Testing (2016).
- Liu, Eugene W., et al. “Survey of Obstetrician-gynecologists in the United States About Trichomoniasis, 2016.” Sexually transmitted diseases 46.1 (2019): 9.
- Rosenberger, Kelly D., and Courtney Fisk. “A missed diagnosis of trichomoniasis.” The Nurse Practitioner 42.2 (2017): 1-4.
- Treatment
- Kissinger, Patricia, et al. “Single-dose versus 7-day-dose metronidazole for the treatment of trichomoniasis in women: an open-label, randomised controlled trial.” The Lancet Infectious Diseases 18.11 (2018): 1251-1259.
- Howe, Katharine, and Patricia Kissinger. “Single-dose compared to multi-dose metronidazole for the treatment of trichomoniasis in women: A meta-analysis.” Sexually transmitted diseases 44.1 (2017): 29.
- Kissinger, Patricia. “Epidemiology and treatment of trichomoniasis.” Current infectious disease reports 17.6 (2015): 31.
- Bouchemal, Kawthar, Christian Bories, and Philippe M. Loiseau. “Strategies for prevention and treatment of Trichomonas vaginalis infections.” Clinical microbiology reviews 30.3 (2017): 811-825.
- de Brum Vieira, Patricia, Tiana Tasca, and W. Evan Secor. “Challenges and persistent questions in the treatment of Trichomoniasis.” Current topics in medicinal chemistry 17.11 (2017): 1249-1265.
- Prevention
- Bouchemal, Kawthar, Christian Bories, and Philippe M. Loiseau. “Strategies for prevention and treatment of Trichomonas vaginalis infections.” Clinical microbiology reviews 30.3 (2017): 811-825.
- Rönn, Minttu M., and Katherine ME Turner. “The dawn of novel STI prevention methods: modelling potential unintended effects of changes in cervical cancer screening guidelines on trichomoniasis.” (2018): 161-162.
- Holmes, K. K., et al. “Sexually Transmitted Infections: Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of Prevention–Major Infectious Diseases.” (2017).
- Howe, Katharine, and Patricia Kissinger. “Single-dose compared to multi-dose metronidazole for the treatment of trichomoniasis in women: A meta-analysis.” Sexually transmitted diseases 44.1 (2017): 29.
- Khurana, Sumeeta, and Shreya Singh. “Human Trichomoniasis.” Infectious Diseases and Your Health. Springer, Singapore, 2018. 99-111.
- Transmission
- de Brum Vieira, Patricia, Tiana Tasca, and W. Evan Secor. “Challenges and persistent questions in the treatment of Trichomoniasis.” Current topics in medicinal chemistry 17.11 (2017): 1249-1265.
- Kissinger, Patricia. “Epidemiology and treatment of trichomoniasis.” Current infectious disease reports 17.6 (2015): 31.
- Bruni, Mirian Pinheiro, et al. “Aptima Trichomonas vaginalis assay elucidates significant underdiagnosis of trichomoniasis among women in Brazil according to an observational study.” Sex Transm Infect 95.2 (2019): 129-132.
- Meites, Elissa, et al. “A review of evidence-based care of symptomatic trichomoniasis and asymptomatic Trichomonas vaginalis infections.” Clinical infectious diseases 61.suppl_8 (2015): S837-S848.
- Menezes, Camila Braz, Amanda Piccoli Frasson, and Tiana Tasca. “Trichomoniasis-are we giving the deserved attention to the most common non-viral sexually transmitted disease worldwide?.” Microbial cell 3.9 (2016): 404.