Last Updated on February 21, 2021 by Jenelle Pierce, MBA, CSE, CHES, Board President
STD Support Groups by Type of STD
Hepatitis Support Groups
Herpes and HPV Support Groups
HIV Support Groups

Should we have missed a vetted STD support group, or should you have a reference to submit for another category of infection, please contact the admin via the contact form. We are always happy to link to helpful, supportive, friendly, welcoming and non-judgmental safe spaces for our readers.
A note about support groups from the admin – All Support Groups Are Not Created Equal
If you’re unsure which group will best suits your needs, we are also happy to help point you in the right direction. Feel free to use the contact form to ask about specific help groups. Lastly, please do not be afraid to let us know if we’ve inappropriately included a group that did not respect your privacy or did not function as described and we will do our best to communicate with the admins while re-assessing their placement on our referral list. You, reader, are always our primary concern. 🙂
Keeping Our Content Fresh & Accurate
These resources are updated monthly (sometimes daily)! We come across new information and great resources while researching all of the time, but we don’t always catch everything. Should you have a website, a hotline, a testing locator, treatment information, etc. you’d like to suggest we include on these pages, please let us know! We love to hear from our readers and want to include only the most relevant and reputable links available. You can make a suggestion via our contact form!