This interviewee’s story is not unlike many others we’ve heard on The STI Project. Women who are shocked and ashamed, after attempting to save themselves for marriage (read: abstaining from penis in vagina sex), yet still contracting an infection, like HSV2, while enjoying other sexual activities. What’s heartbreaking is that the shock and the shame […]
HSV1 and Chlamydia – On Scholarships and a Christian – STI Interviews
There’s a lovely little video circulating right now by Nadia Bolz Weber where she talks about the difference between being a good Christian and being an honest one. The idea is that it’s much more empowering, freeing, and real to speak your truth rather than to attempt to always be good – good is subjective, […]
Herpes and the Field of Telemedicine
There has long been stigma attached to people who contract an STD. Even when it’s a common STD such as herpes, people tend to be very judgmental. Even when someone has cold sores, they often get strange looks and are given a wide berth in public spaces. Saddest of all, most people reacting poorly are […]
Safer Sex for Lesbians and Girls Who Have Sex with Girls
When you think about girl sex, the first thing that comes to mind is not usually your potential for risk or needing to practice safer sex. In some ways, that makes sense: unplanned pregnancies are not a concern when you’re a girl who’s enjoying sex with another girl, so traditional contraception geared toward planned conception […]
Why Do My Balls Hurt? Common Causes of Testicular Pain
This guest post was written by Brett Warren, a Sexual Health Counselor at First American Service Group. FASG, Inc. has been providing sexual health information and medical testing services online in the US since 2013 through its subsidiary, trusted online STD testing providers. Testicles are egg-shaped reproductive organs in the scrotum. Pain in the testicles can […]
First HPV, Then Herpes – Just Another Skin Condition – STD Stories
This essay was submitted anonymously after the author visited some of our STI Interviews. She chose to write a short story, as opposed to answering the more traditional STD interview questions. First off, I just want to thank you. It’s such an amazing and uplifting experience to read about someone who is doing so much […]
Herpes – It Makes You Accept People – STI Interviews
What better way to turn lemons into lemonade than to take a herpes diagnosis and use it to help your friends. We hear this a lot, at The STI Project, that once someone shares their experience with their friends, they become the resident STD guru, and we think that’s awesome. Most people don’t know who […]
HSV2 – 3 of My Friends Have it Too – STI Interviews
Thank goodness for interviews like this! All of the perspectives shared on The STI Project are anonymous, authentic, and absolutely necessary, but I love to see the progression that happens after the initial shock and shame. While every experience in our life alters our perspective and changes how we view subsequent related events, that change […]