A lot of folks tend to focus on the who, what, and why when diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection or disease. They want to know who they got it from, what they did (or didn’t do) to put them at risk, and why them. While it’s understandable to want answers, often, the details are […]
HSV1 – Hasn’t Changed Anything in His Eyes – STI Interviews
It’s so refreshing to read about partners and family members who remain open-minded when an STD diagnosis occurs and/or who do not treat their loved ones differently when they learn about their infection. More often than not, I find couples who have a healthy, established relationship are able to move past an STD diagnosis and […]
Herpes – My Biggest Fear is Judgment from Friends – STI Interviews
Interviews like this one remind me how important it is to continue advocating for comprehensive safer sex education. Unfortunately, it’s the norm rather than the exception that people get diagnosed and know very little about how they contracted an infection – testing, transmission, risk, you name it; most people know very little about STDs, in […]
Talking to Your Kids About STDs & Safer Sex
Reader Submitted Question: I’m a 37-year-old nurse, and yesterday, I was diagnosed with herpes. I thought I had a pimple that just wouldn’t go away, but my practitioner started me on treatment yesterday. Long story short, I led a very active sex life when I was a teen. I don’t want my 12-year-old daughter to […]
Living with Herpes – Interview with Kirsty Spraggon- Happy Hump Day Podcasts
I am pleased as punch to bring you today’s special guest, Kirsty Spraggon from KirstyTV.com! Kirsty graciously offered to be interviewed for a podcast, after having recently ‘come out’ publicly about living with herpes to her viewers, all of YouTube, and a rapt TEDx audience. Kirsty is both eloquent and inspirational, and I think you will […]
Genital Herpes – I Am Like an Ostrich – STI Interviews
It never ceases to amaze me some of the simply awful things people will say to or about someone with an STD, and in this case, genital herpes. As if an STD diagnosis weren’t enough, couple that with hearing the most audacious reactions from someone you trust. It’s enough to make anyone want to stick their head […]
HSV2 – Never Felt More Embarrassed – STI Interviews
One of the most common things we hear when working with those who are recently diagnosed is how utterly alone they feel. The fortunate (or maybe unfortunate) part about those sentiments is that they are felt by millions of people – yes, millions – who have an STD, in this case HSV2. Millions of people are […]
HSV2 – Too Nervous to Touch Me – STI Interviews
It’s always a bit disheartening when I read that partners are having a hard time being intimate with someone who has an STD, in this case, HSV2. I’ve been lucky to find mates who were both interested in being sexually healthy while also keen on enjoying all types of sexual activities together. However, that is not always the case. […]