One of the many reasons we post others’ stories is to help erode the idea that an STI (whether temporary or long-term, and in this case, HSV1) should be looked at as something a new partner needs to get over or accept – a flaw, if you will. Sure, no one wants a cold, the […]
Chlamydia, HSV2, & HPV – It Doesn’t Bother Him – STI Interviews
It’s interviews such as this one that speak to the value of having access to resources and educational tools that support and encourage sexual health. Quite often, we’ve found that a person’s opinion about their diagnosis improves with time. For some, it takes longer than others [read: it took me years and years to overcome […]
HSV2 – I Wish I Could Go Back in Time – STI Interviews
The number one question we receive at The STI Project is, ‘Will anyone ever want to be with me again?’ Usually included is, ‘How do I date with an STD?’ ‘How do I tell a new partner?’ ‘Can I ever have casual sex or just enjoy sex again?’ The good news is that dating, sex, […]
HSV1 – You Can Lead a Fearless Life – STI Interviews
Having been imprisoned in my own shame and fear for years as well as being very brazen about my experiences now, I’ve seen both sides of the herpes closet… It wasn’t until I stepped out that I realized how severely I had been entrenched in my own stigma. It’s amazing how coming out about your past can shed an entirely […]
HSV1 & HSV2 – I Refused to Accept It – STI Interviews
Few things cause more trepidation about the future and situations that have not yet or might never take place than an STD diagnosis. The most common fear among those who are living with a long term infection is that of telling new partners and the rejection they assume is inevitable. While I cannot promise those fears […]
HSV1 – Things Feel Not Worth It – STI Interviews
Both an HSV1 and an HSV2 diagnosis can spur a multitude of traumatic emotions when located genitally. At The STI Project, we often hear from readers that HSV1 (traditionally thought to be only an oral infection) is the ‘good’ kind of herpes, and that HSV2 is the ‘bad’ kind. But, as evidenced by this interview, countless […]
HSV2 – Met Another Frog – STI Interviews
The immense stigma associated with having an STD, and in this case, HSV2, affects not only the person who’s diagnosed but is also commonly the reason why those who transmit their infection to others flee. The stigma associated with having a sexually transmitted infection and then the shame of transmitting it to someone else can […]
HSV – No One Treats Me Differently – STI Interviews
An incredible example of how support – caring, thoughtful, and educational support – can be the difference between an emotional tailspin upon a new diagnosis and a calm, worry-free reaction. It’s never easy to share one’s story, and each person must decide with whom to share it and how to do so (anonymously, with a […]