This feature article was written by freelance writer, Jenna. There are a lot of misconceptions out there about STDs and how they can and can’t be contracted. And while we’ve already laid the ‘can I get an STD from a toilet seat’ issue to rest, it seems like this might be a good time to go […]
Genital Warts, High Risk HPV, HSV2 – Just a Skin Condition – STI Interviews
Naturally, when anyone is first diagnosed with HPV or HSV2, their first thought usually centers around how they contracted the infection, with the second most common thought following shortly thereafter: who is going to want to date me now that I have a long-term infection? While some people will choose to date someone else, there […]
Recognizing STI Symptoms: A Guide to Five Common Infections
This feature article was written by Dr. Wayne Osbourne, a GP and the Head Practitioner at I’ve been working in general practice for 13 years now, and I can tell you that STIs are just as much of an issue here in the UK as they are in the United States. Permit me to […]
Chlamydia, HSV2, & HPV – It Doesn’t Bother Him – STI Interviews
It’s interviews such as this one that speak to the value of having access to resources and educational tools that support and encourage sexual health. Quite often, we’ve found that a person’s opinion about their diagnosis improves with time. For some, it takes longer than others [read: it took me years and years to overcome […]
Talking to Your Kids About STDs & Safer Sex
Reader Submitted Question: I’m a 37-year-old nurse, and yesterday, I was diagnosed with herpes. I thought I had a pimple that just wouldn’t go away, but my practitioner started me on treatment yesterday. Long story short, I led a very active sex life when I was a teen. I don’t want my 12-year-old daughter to […]
HPV & Chlamydia – I Asked to Use a Condom but Didn’t Insist – STI Interviews
This interview is a fantastic example of how people from all walks of life and with all educational backgrounds contract sexually transmitted infections. They are an inherent risk to something (intimacy/sex) that also elicits innumerable rewards. Understanding those risks and rewards is part of being sexually healthy, and, ultimately, sexually responsible. No one wants an infection […]
HPV, Trich & Chlamydia – I Wish I Could Go Back – STI Interviews
An HPV diagnosis, despite being one of the most common STDs, considering 80% of all women by the age of 50 will have contracted an HPV infection at some point in their lives, can still be one of the most frightening because of the grey area surrounding testing, length of infection, treatment, and long-term risk. […]
Dear Sexologist – Can You Get an STD from a Toilet or Shower?
This guest post was written by one of our contributors, Dr. Megan Stubbs, an energetic multi-media savvy Sexologist. Reader Submitted Question Dear Sexologist, I’m a college student, and I live in a dorm with a community bathroom facility. I heard that one of the girls down the hall has an STD, and now I’m worried about […]