For The STI Project’s first ever college appearance, Michigan State University (Go Green!) asked us to drop by and answer a few questions for the listeners of their radio station: Impact 89FM! Impact 89FM is a student-run radio station broadcasting from the campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI. During the day, the […]
The STI Project is Chosen: 100 Essential Online Public Health Resources
100 Essential Online Public Health Resources This week, we were notified about being nominated and subsequently receiving the award for one of the 100 Essential Online Public Health Resources as chosen by Master of Public provides prospective public health practitioners with up-to-date information about accredited online degree programs across the United States. Their blog […]
The STI Project Forecast: Mostly Great with a Chance of Awesome
Being smack dab in the middle of hurricane season and all, I thought it’d be fun to parlay my update for The STI Project into a little bit of weather chatter. Brilliant, right?!?! Maybe not. However, it’s entertaining for the moment, so, I’m going with it. As always, I’ve plenty of things to share with […]
Best STI Blogs of 2012 – The STI Project Receives Another Award!!!
The STI Project has been graciously chosen as One of the Best STD & HIV Blogs of 2012!!! How cool is that?!?!? We are incredibly honored and even further motivated to keep up the good work!! This is what Healthline had to say: ‘Bold, brave, and unafraid, The STI Project is about breaking down stigma and correcting misunderstanding […]
A Disappointing Day in the Fight to End STI/STD Stigma
The STI Project Was Awarded and then Un-Awarded A Grant Today Growing up in a very conservative part of the country, I nearly dropped off of my chair last night when I noticed I was getting referral traffic from The Awesome Foundation via my google analytics (my early education was in accounting, and my website […]
Latest News – The STI Project Update
Radio Interview Just recently, The STI Project was asked to interview on a public radio station (WPPR’s Public Reality Radio) that has listeners nationally (in the US) as well as global listeners. This was an epic opportunity to one, brush-up on public speaking skills 101 and to two, spread the message to a larger audience […]
The STI Project Interviews for WPRR Public Reality Radio
The STI Project Was Asked To Interview on a Radio Station! Full Show which includes an interview with Senior Science Correspondent from HuffPost – Cara Santa Maria!!! (She’s lovely): Full Length – Dave Fletcher’s opening topics, Cara Santa Maria from HuffPost Science, and The STI Project Just my segment of the show – an hour […]
STD vs STI – What’s the Difference?
Po-TAY-to, Po-TAH-to? EE-ther, EYE-ther? Wondering what the difference is between STIs (sexually transmitted infections) and STDs (sexually transmitted diseases)? The STI Project is here to give you the low-down! STI and STD are often used interchangeably. More recently, the term STI has risen in popularity over STD in public health sectors. The reason for that […]