Last Updated on June 4, 2020 by Nancy Carteron, MD, FACR
This post is co-authored by the CloverUp Club and The STI Project’s administrator.
The STI Project was recently contacted by one of the young entrepreneurs from the CloverUp Club. They wondered if I’d be interested in sharing their products with my readers and/or writing about my experience trying out their condom service.
After a wonderful conversation with one of their owners – a Stanford alum – I happily accepted an opportunity to try their innovative new approach toward safer sex.
Safer Sex in the Mail
From the start, the idea of receiving condoms in the mail (I’ve always braved the interesting looks from store clerks in person) left me a bit skeptical, but inclined to keep an open mind about all things, I used the online code they gave me and began an order for a monthly subscription.
I chose their ‘just in case’ package of three condoms monthly – all for only $2 – including shipping. They view that package as a kind of ‘always be prepared’ purchase – great for someone who’s not in an active relationship.
Buying condoms can be a trip to the Twilight Zone. Even the bravest souls dread a trip to the local grocery for a pack of condoms. Nobody wakes up in the morning saying, ‘I’m excited to buy a pack of condoms.’ Nobody!Have you ever been publicly lectured by a grandma at the checkout line? We have. That’s why we started CloverUp Club.CloverUp Club eliminates the embarrassment of purchasing condoms, so you can fully wrap your head around what’s important: SEX. No more going to the store, waiting in lines, buying a ton of other stuff to cover up your condom box, and trying to always be prepared with fun condoms to make your most intimate times more exciting.We proudly ship ONE and their exciting new lines of flavored, sensitive, and glow-in-the-dark condoms to keep you safe and prepared. How did we get our name? Clover=lucky, Club=exclusive-sounding, Up=well, maybe you get the point.
The CloverUp Club website is simple and easy to use – that was a plus, because sometimes I’m left scratching my head about web design when I’m approached by organizations asking me to try their products.
CloverUp Club just launched this summer, so I think there will be more to come – their blog only has a few posts right now, and it’d be nice to see some condom instructions and more safer sex topics.
Many people don’t know how to correctly put on a condom (a little lube on the inside, lots on the outside, etc.). Here’s an awesome reference until they have one available on their website. Hint hint. 🙂 Although, in CloverUp Club’s defense, I later found my condom package came with a nice instruction guide from their ONE condom provider.
CloverUp Club launched in 2012 by four college students in the San Francisco Bay Area as a collaborative effort to provide easy access to safer sex for anyone who needs condoms, where and when they need them.As you’re probably aware, using a condom barrier during sex not only prevents unwanted pregnancies, but also is the best method to preventing the spread of STDs. And it’s kind of embarrassing when you’re not prepared.So, for $2 a month, CloverUp Club delivers condoms right to your door. Rest assured, we got your #$$# covered!
Upon receipt of my condoms, I was blow away – pun intended. 😉
Really, though – the packaging was great: nondescript, and I couldn’t tell what was inside (in fact, I was confused about what I was getting in the mail, because they didn’t look like condoms); the inside packaging was classy; and at 30, I didn’t feel like the condoms were too young for me – they were fun in just the right dose.
The brand of condom they’ve chosen is swanky, comes in a circular package, and practically made me want to find a reason to use them!
All in all, their marketing is trendy and classy, appeals to a wide array of ages, and the price point is unbeatable. For practically no effort, I had condoms delivered to my home in a package I don’t even think the mailman could decipher.

Pictured Above: The nondescript packaging, the trendy inside package (in black), 3 condoms, ONE’s instructions (upper left), and a CloverUp Club business card.
What’s more, for writing about them, the CloverUp Club is offering my readers ONE MONTH FREE, by using the code: thestdprojectsaves – for any plan – standard rates apply after that!!! How cool is that?!?!
I think it’s a great deal and a fantastic way to try their service while practicing safer sex and being sexually responsible.
Whether you are currently living with an STI/STD or would like to reduce your risk of contracting one, this is a great option and I can confidently endorse their efforts. Use code: thestdprojectsaves to get your first month free.
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What do you think about the idea of a monthly condom club? Are you going to try it out? Have you tried them out and would like to include your impressions? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
Great post.
It would be easier to purchase condoms if they were in a more discrete packing. I am approaching 30 and still feel a bit embarrassed at the pharmacy or especially at the gas station.
Safe sex is what we have to live for in 2012. There is no getting away from it.
Thanks for the great blog and the awesome article.
Jenelle Marie
Agreed – they are rather blatant when placed in stores and gas stations. As a result, I was really impressed with CondomClub’s discreet packaging.
Thanks for your comment, Confilabs!