Last Updated on July 29, 2021 by Stacy Sampson, DO
A Genital Herpes Bucket List ~
Do you have an STI/STD? Do you have an STI and feel like life is over, things will never be the same, the universe hates you, and the world is simultaneously ending?!?
If you answered yes to any of the above, I understand; nevertheless, I am here to tell you, you’re wrong.
Gasp! How could I, right?!?! How insensitive of me.
Well, not really. The deal is…..STIs suck, they aren’t fun, and they’re not something someone ever hopes to get, especially, the ones you’re stuck with for life, like genital herpes.
But, STIs are not the end – even herpes.
They do not mean you cannot be a lawyer, a ninja, Mother Teresa, an athlete, Chuck Norris, the next Oprah, a great mother/father, an American Idol, etc., etc….. I think you get the point.
So, to prove this point, I am going to post my personal ‘genital herpes bucket list’ or rather, Jenelle Marie’s bucket list. As I achieve the items on here, I’ll cross them out – this list isn’t new, so you’ll see I’ve already achieved ninja status.
Well, not really……but I could.

STI Masterclass: Breaking Through the Fear, Shame, and Stigma of an STI Diagnosis
If you’re fed up with feeling unworthy, less-than, damaged, or limited by your STI, then join the next cohort in the 60-Day Masterclass, and leave feeling empowered, knowledgable, and confident again!
Click Here to Learn More
Jenelle Marie’s Bucket List ~
- Travel to Australia and see wild quokkas and dingos while saying aloud, “the dingo ate your ba-bay!”
- Base jump
- Travel to Africa and go on a safari
Start an accounting business- Volunteer in Africa
Participate in a triathlon- Drink beer with an Irishman in Ireland
Go on a tour of the waterfalls in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula- Read all of the ‘classics’
Start a non-profit business- Re-learn Spanish to conversational fluency (me gusta!)
- Parasail
Work for a Big 4 accounting firm- Re-learn German enough to travel throughout Germany comfortably
- Swim with dolphins
Audition for American Idol- Raise my own chickens
- Learn to rollerblade (without breaking my arm again – ohmygosh)
- Visit all 50 states
- Go white-water rafting
Live in Eastown (an eclectic hippie-style part of the city just East of Grand Rapids, MI)Get married in Vegas- Learn sign-language (outside of just being able to sign my name)
Move away from my hometown- Teach myself to play the guitar
Get a big tattoo (2)- Travel to South America and explore the rainforest
Run a 25kConquer my fear of spiders (presently, I just let someone else capture and release)- Publish a book
- Learn how to do the cyr wheel! (If you don’t know, this is an example of pure awesomeness!)
- Hang-glide
Skydive (3 times)- Learn to play piano
Enter into a wet t-shirt contest (what? why?) (I won!)- Purchase a home on a body of water
Rescue a puppy and too many kittens- Donate money to NPR (I’d like to become a ‘day sponsor’ and send some sort of goofy message all day)
Rescue another puppy (why not?)
3 years ago I got genital warts. My girlfriend at the time broke up with me and I figured I’d never be able to have a girlfriend again. I am now married and my wife is pregnant. It’s not easy to live with but it hasn’t made what I want to do in life go away and my wife doesn’t care at all.
Jenelle Marie
That’s great – your story is generally the rule and not the exception! Glad to hear there are others who have found happiness and have been able to live full lives despite an STD!
genital herpes
I am glad to be able to know that there are still people who doesn’t mind diseases such as HIV,STD and HSV. I am diagnosed with HSV2 but I do not care I am getting married this august.
Jenelle Marie
Congratulations! That’s wonderful news and a great re-affirmation to those looking to find love that they too can be in a happy relationship despite having an STD!