Doctors are seeing more STIs in older people! Are you a baby boomer? Are you a person over the age of 50 re-entering the dating game after a loss of a spouse or significant other? If so, consider thinking twice before enjoying casual sex without protection. This public service announcement (broadcast in Florida) is an […]
During April is STI/STD Awareness Week/Month – STI Statistics
Don’t Risk It – Go Get STI/STD Tested! These STI statistics will make you want to go get STI/STD tested!!! They certainly lit a fire under my butt – I haven’t been tested in quite some time and I’d rather be as safe as possible. One STI is more than enough for me (my STI […]
Would You Like to Share Your Story? – STI Interviews
Want to help eradicate STI stigma? Want to change the way people view you, your loved ones, and all of the people who contract STIs/STDs and are living with an STI/STD? Share your story! An easy-to-use Interview Template Simply fill in your answers below and send them via the contact form. Your interview will remain […]
STI/STD Statistics – Did YOU know?!?!
STI/STD Statistics and Why You Should Get Tested! 1 in 2 sexually active young people will get an STI by the age of 25. Most young people with STIs don’t even know they have them. Getting tested is the only way to know for sure. STIs are really common – every year there are more […]
STI/STD Help – STI Resources
Are you looking for STI/STD help and STI resources? Do you need to find an STI/STD testing center near you? Would you like to read other STI blogs or participate in STI forums? Are you looking for STI/STD facts, STI/STD symptoms, pictures of STIs/STDs, or STI/STD treatment options? Here, at The STI Project, the world […]
Share Your STI/STD Story – STI Interviews
As the first interview in The STI Project’s series of STI Interviews, I think it’s only appropriate I answer my own interview questions. Even though, as the Executive Director, I am choosing to answer publicly, it is The STI Project’s intention to allow anyone to participate in these interviews anonymously; your privacy and comfort are […]
The STI Project is Underway!
As a post intended to welcome you to all things The STI Project, this will be short and sweet. Welcome, friends; take a look around. * This was the very first post originally written on March 13, 2012 as I was learning how to make a blog post, seeing what they looked like once posted […]